
How to restore Default Fonts in Windows 11/10

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Maybe y'all take installed a lot of new Fonts and maybe made some changes as a upshot of which some of your software are not working matter bankrupt! In such a scenario, information technology might be a expert idea to restore the fonts to their default settings in Windows xi/10/eight/seven.

How to restore Default Fonts in Windows

Restore default Font settings in Windows xi/10

To restore default fonts in Windows 11 or Windows 10, exercise the following:

  1. Open Control Console
  2. Select Advent and Personalization
  3. Click on Fonts
  4. Open up Font settings.
  5. Here click Restore default font settings.

That's it!

Read: How to change default System Font in Windows.

Utilise FontReg tool

If you need to repair the font registry y'all can requite FontReg a try. This utility can exist used to ensure the consistency of the Windows font registry. It does this by registering fonts that are not properly registered and removing leftover stale registrations for fonts that are no longer nowadays on the organization.

FontReg can exist used past scripts, batch files, or custom installers to install Windows fonts. It can replace Microsoft's outdated fontinst utility. Compared to fontinst, FontReg is lighter, supports .otf fonts, and is easier to use. It will remove whatever dried font registrations in the registry. It will also repair any missing font registrations for fonts located in the C:\Windows\Fonts directory.

Information technology is bachelor on Github.

Meet this mail if you are facing a Blurry Fonts problem in Windows.

What is the default font in Windows xi or Windows 10?

default font in windows segoe ui

Segoe UI is the default font in Windows 11 and Windows 10 families of operating systems. Segoe UI (User Interface) is a fellow member of the Segoe family and it is used in most Microsoft products for user interface text, as well as for many of its online services.

TIP: Windows lets yous block untrusted fonts to go on your Network safe.

default font in windows segoe ui

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-sixteen) & a Windows Insider MVP. Delight read the entire post & the comments first, create a System Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be conscientious about whatever third-party offers while installing freeware.



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