
Driver for this device might be corrupted or System may be low on memory

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If you accept of a sudden started facing slowness in your Windows PC, and you suspect hardware or a driver problem, yous may desire to open Devices Manager. If you come across a message in the Device Properties box – The driver for this device might exist corrupted, or your organization may exist running low on memory or other resource. (Code 3) there, here are some basic things you can do to address this error message.

The driver for this device might be corrupted or your arrangement may be running low on memory or other resource

driver for this device might be corrupted

ane] Close some applications

This particular trouble mainly occurs when you have low available RAM, and you lot take opened a lot of apps simultaneously. In that instance, close some opened apps to free up resource. One thing you tin can check before closing whatever app. You can open the Task Director and check whether your system is using high resources or not. If yes, start closing some apps based on the usage. You lot can just select the program, right-click on it and click on Terminate task push button.

2] Uninstall and reinstall the driver

If you remember that the device driver may be corrupted, uninstall the driver and then scan for new hardware to install the driver again. To do this, you volition accept to click the Activity menu in Device Manager, and then click Scan for hardware changes.

three] Install more RAM

If your Windows estimator has insufficient memory to run the commuter, you lot demand to close some applications to brand memory bachelor. Open the Organization Information box to check memory and system resources. Cheque if you need to install additional RAM.

Hope something here helps you fix the issue.

Related: Complete listing of all Device Managing director Error Codes on Windows 11/10 forth with solutions.

driver for this device might be corrupted


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a x-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Delight read the entire post & the comments first, create a Organization Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful well-nigh any 3rd-political party offers while installing freeware.


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