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Merely a year ago, Theranos was the darling of the medical device industry. Afterwards years in stealth mode, the company debuted its custom blood test in 2022 with the pitch that it needed only a few drops of blood to test for a plethora of diseases and health metrics. This swayed Walgreens to begin offer Theranos testing in some of its stores. Amongst increasing scrutiny of Theranos, Walgreens has now pulled out. Information technology'due south simply the latest in a series of major setbacks that could bring down this once-promising company.

Theranos was founded by Elizabeth Holmes in 2003, who has herself become something of a phenomenon in tech circles. She dropped out of college to commencement Theranos and raised millions of dollars to get the visitor up and running. Until but recently, she was believed to be worth over a billion dollars at the ripe one-time age of 32. However, that was earlier Theranos' Edison testing technology came under increased scrutiny.

The Edison devices are supposed to allow a minor book of blood to be separated with microfluidics and tested automatically. Information technology only requires a few milliliters of claret, whereas conventional tests would require a whole vial of claret drawn with a needle. That could brand testing faster and cheaper…if it worked. The first hints of trouble came late last year when reports began surfacing virtually the accurateness of Edison tests. Researchers have as well had trouble validating and reproducing the science used by Theranos. Then, the regime's Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) identified numerous testing and manufacturing errors at Theranos.


The company's value has plummeted from an estimated $ix billion to simply $800 million in recent months, but Walgreens has stood by its investment in Theranos until now. Theranos recently voided all Edison results produced in 2022 and 2022, merely that wasn't enough for the CMS. The CMS rejected Theranos' program to fix its testing and manufacturing issues, and the company now faces sanctions. In light of this, Walgreens says it is immediately closing all 40 of the Theranos testing centers in its stores. That leaves Theranos with just a handful of its ain retail testing storefronts in Arizona and California, simply government action may soon force the closure of those likewise.

Everyone wanted the believe that a Silicon Valley startup could come into a mature and sluggish industry similar medical testing to disrupt information technology. That'due south something that's sorely needed, after all. Even Walgreens was happy to get in on the ground floor without proof the engineering was accurate. Now, it'due south trying to back away, and that might betoken the beginning of the end for Theranos.